FAQs About That One Hair on My Chin
Inquiring minds want to know
Q: Where did this one hair on my chin come from?
A: Every hair on your body grows from a tiny pocket called a follicle, like a flower growing from a long-ago planted bulb you didn’t know was there.
Q: This chin hair wasn’t here before, so when exactly did it start growing?
A: Remember that one day in your early thirties when you had gotten a good night’s sleep, had finally lost the baby weight, trained for a half marathon, and stopped drinking? You felt comfortable in your skin and good about your body because you had an appreciation for all that it had done and could do?
It was the day after that.
Q: Why is it that at the same time in my life that my eyebrows are thinning, or quite frankly, giving up on life, this chin hair seems so… robust?
A: That’s like comparing a tower made of Legos to the Space Needle in Seattle.
Also, hormones.