Grandma Wants Revenge on Reindeer Who Ran Her Over

After a heated Twitter feud, Santa, the reindeer, and Grandma have agreed to duke it out in a WWE match

Ryan Fan
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


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Twitter has exploded over the chaos of the legal battles of Grandma suing reindeer who ran her over, Dusty. #TeamSanta #TeamDusty and #TeamGrandma become the top three trending hashtags on Christmas, in what becomes the most bitter and divisive Twitter topic since the 2020 election.

The reason? Grandma wants revenge. About 50% of Twitter stands with Grandma, while 40% of Twitter thinks Dusty is the real victim. Santa, in his attempt to avoid all liability, blamed the accident all on Dusty. After the accident with Grandma, Dusty has had a broken leg which has twisted almost 90 degrees, and Dusty has had no funding from his abusive boss in paying for his medical bills. The National Reindeer Union has thrown their hat behind Dusty and started a GoFundMe to pay for his surgery.

10% of people on Twitter are still with Santa, equating him with God since he gives them whatever they want when they wish for it. Santa, a government employee, has been charged by the U.S. Department of Justice for corruption and embezzling funds. When Santa was confronted by the media, however, he doubled down on defending himself and equating himself with Jesus:



Ryan Fan
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: