Having Run Out of Cultural Intellectual Property to Mine, Studios Turn Their Gaze Elsewhere

The future of cinema is waiting in the patent office

Jeff King
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


A film director on set tells her crew to “Pull in nice and close on those patent claims! And… action!!!” The crew is filming a tall filing cabinet stuffed with patents.
Image created in Canva. Film set photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash.

A prominent studio is pursuing a bold, new vision for content development, having exhausted their existing sources in an endless stream of reboots, mashups, and remixes. I spoke to the executive in charge.



Jeff King
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Jeff's writing has appeared in McSweeney's, Johnny America, Jane Austen's Wastepaper Basket, MuddyUm, Slackjaw, and elsewhere. For more, visit jeffiswriting.ca.