When It’s Time to Have “The Talk” and Share the Cold Hard Facts of Life

Humans aren’t the only ones who must share unpleasant truths

Mark Armstrong
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Gag cartoon created by illustrator Mark Armstrong. A contrite-looking father worm is speaking to his son who looks shocked and distraught: “I’m afraid your friend Timmy is right, son — we DO eat dead bodies.”
The awful truth — there’s just no worming out of it… Cartoon: Mark Armstrong

There comes a time when you have to tell your kids the cold, hard facts of life — even if you’re a worm.

But worms aren’t the only ones who have to share unpleasant truths.



Mark Armstrong
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

I’m a writer and illustrator. I write about marketing and communication. I also do humor pieces. I help brands get noticed. markarmstrongillustration.com