Hi! I Am Your Friendly Apologist In Your Social Media Circle! Ask Me Anything!

As Long As I Am NOT Required To Have Your Back On Anything…

Heather S. Wargo
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
3 min readSep 11, 2019


Adobe Creative Cloud

Oh, come now!

You know who I am!

I am the ONE who likes all the posts. The ones for and against the issues everyone is arguing about.

I will say nice things to you.

And you.

And him and her, too.

No one is left out!!!

Because I don’t want anyone to think I am *gasp* judging them.

Heavens, no.

I am an equal opportunity friend to all. I will support my friends in their fight against them.

The shadowy, mean “them”, who I don’t have to worry about. Who cares about them??

However, in day to day life, I will be liked by everyone on all sides of every issue.

If you say something I perceive as mean to me, I will let you know very pointedly how much it huuuuurts.

Then everyone in my feed will see how much you hurt me.

They will come running to my rescue at once. Because I am the nice one, you know.



Heather S. Wargo
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.