How to DIY Refurbish Cabinets From Someone Avoiding Their Crumbling Marriage

Escapism has never looked so great

Ryan Lark
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Roselyn Tirado on Unsplash

After dealing with the same tattered cabinets you’ve had since you considered yourself happily married fifteen years ago, you deserve an upgrade for a new, fresh look. Buying new can be expensive, and, let’s be honest, it’s really not worth another argument over finances where you’ll just end up sleeping at Molly’s again for the next few nights.

Besides, refurbishing can be a fun and gratifying process. These steps are so simple that even my husband could follow them. That is, if he ever bothered for one single second to take his attention away from the Raiders’ game.

Step 1: Sanding

The first step is to sand down the surface of the cabinets. I recommend using 50 grit sandpaper, which is just about as abrasive as my husband’s snoring, so it should take the layers of paint off pretty quickly. Then, go in with a fine grain sandpaper. It smooths things out, unlike the cheap jewelry Greg leaves on my pillow after our monthly blow-out fights.

Sanding usually requires a bit of elbow grease, so I like to imagine something to motivate myself through it. A quick mental reminder of that condescending look my mother-in-law always gives me typically does the…



Ryan Lark
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Just another entitled Millennial. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter: For the Love of Nature. (