I, Prince Charming, Formally Launch a Kissing Booth

“My kiss has literally saved lives. Now I would love to kiss and heal you too for a low one-time fee.”

Chelsea Resnick
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Goran Dojčinović at Pexels with additional photo and graphic elements added by the author in Canva

Are you feeling ill? Have you been injured, or, even worse, have you recently died? Boy oh boy, have I got the product for you! It’s called my magical lips.

I didn’t always know I had awesome healing abilities. As a young royal growing up with emotionally distant royal parents, affection wasn’t a priority in our family. Eventually, I kissed my fair share of maidens, but nothing special happened because they were all healthy. Then I met Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Suddenly I understood my core competency as a prince — kissing ill, cursed, and deceased women to fully restore them to health.

By embarking on this new venture, I aim to change lives. I woke Sleeping Beauty from a hundred-year-long sleep, and I would love to cure your narcolepsy. I brought Snow White back from the dead, and I would be honored to do the same for you. There were a few baseless rumors that I married those women afterward, but let me assure you that I always keep things professional with my clients.

Here at my kissing booth, I’m guided by core values such as kissing people who look unwell, especially those who are exiled or wrongfully…



Chelsea Resnick
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Writer and editor based in Austin, TX. Fan of mint-chocolate chip. Aquarius to the bone. chelsearesnick.com