I’m a Pretty Girl Without a Date for the Holidays in this Romcom

Which is why I think we should fake a relationship

Kyrie Gray
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Image licensed from Canva

Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry I’m late! I was at the cafe, the one with the super cute barista, and the most embarrassing thing happened. I heard him call my name and so I went to grab my drink. But that barista held on to the cup, and wouldn’t let go. I felt our fingers touch. It might sound hyperbolic, but there was, like, electricity. Then I smiled. Maybe I’d finally found someone to take home to my family for the holidays.

Then he said, “Sorry, this is for another Emily. Your drink will be out soon.”

Can you believe how awkward I was? I was ready to DIE! I could feel everyone at the cafe staring at me from the safety of their own secure relationships. Probably wondering, “Who that lonely loser who can’t find her drink, let alone her soulmate?”

That’s why I’m sick of this Christmas romance nonsense. No, really, I’m done with the holidays! All the couple’s sweaters, mistletoe, and families coming together just so they can remark on my single status. I swear that is the one thing that brings them together.

You know what I really need? A hired boyfriend. Someone who will come over and help me lie to my family and loved ones. What else am I supposed to do…

