I’m Your Pile of Unread Books and It’s Time to Ascend to the Next Level of Consciousness Together

Commit to this journey even though you could never commit to reading a single page from my stack

JRR Jokien
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Image from Unsplash

Hey there. It’s me. Your massive pile of unread books.

Yes, I’m just as surprised as you are to be having this conversation. Apparently at some point as you’ve continued to add and add and add new books to me I’ve gained sentience. I think it was when you added Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, ironically enough.

But enough about me: are you ok? This is a wellness check. You’ve barely added any new books to me recently and I’m starting to worry about you. About us.

It’s very unlike you to not get a package at least once a week that you open with a glint in your eye and a rush of feverish excitement. You always show the book to whoever is closest to you, gush about how you can’t wait to read this one and why it’s the best, post about it on every social media network you’re active on… and then set the new book on top of me without reading a single page and promptly forget about it, never to touch it again.

Which is great! I love slowly growing like this. You see, I’m moving inexorably towards the next stage in the development of…



JRR Jokien
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Terminally online lifelong reader and lover of Tolkien writing about Middle-earth, faith, and pop culture. www.jrrjokien.com