King Midas Begs for the Ability to Turn Daughter Back Into Gold

“She‘s driving me crazy and the schools are still closed!’”

Ryan Fan
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


From Walter Crane at the Library of Congress — Public Domain

King Midas has lived happily ever after with his daughter for almost 2,000 years, after begging with Dionysus to turn her back from gold. They have weathered many storms together, including the fall of the Roman Empire, World War I, World War II, and more, but one challenge has King Midas begging to turn his daughter back into gold: the COVID-19 pandemic.

King Midas’s daughter is in high school, and she is driving him absolutely crazy. Suddenly in charge of her education and having to deal with her all the time at home, she is making his life miserable. He realizes his daughter might be better as gold than breathing.

“She won’t get off Tik Tok and actually complete her school assignments!” he said.

King Midas has received calls from several of his daughter’s teachers about how his daughter doesn’t complete her assignments, is disrespectful to her teachers, and doesn’t attend class. He’s now through with her not listening. Time and time again, he’s told her that her privilege as a princess does not absolve her of her educational responsibilities.

His daughter has not only been annoying him with her poor performance at school, but by…



Ryan Fan
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”