Lady Elaine Fairchilde’s Intervention With Herself

Some hard truths in the Neighborhood

S. M. Strand
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


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Well, Toots, I hear you’re having a hard time. All of your friends here in the Neighborhood have hard times, too. Everyone has hard times. Even Friday, though he tries to deny it. But it won’t help if you treat your body in a way it doesn’t like. As our good friend likes to sing, your body’s fancy. And I would add, it doesn’t need any fancy drinks. It certainly doesn’t need this Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall.

Looking in the mirror, I can see someone who has had a few too many Slow Comfortable Screws Against the Wall.

I’d like to help you know how to make better choices for yourself so you can pick yourself up when you’re feeling down, in a way that doesn’t hurt your body. Instead of this Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall, maybe you could be doing some Quick Calisthenic moves, like Lady Aberlin and Henrietta Pussycat do every morning. Let’s try it. One and two and three. Feels good to move your body, doesn’t it? Just don’t do it too fast. Take your time, Toots. Baby steps.

Or maybe you could start collecting more things. The Museum-Go-Round has dinosaur bones and antique phones. Maybe it needs something else.



S. M. Strand
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

S. Mary Strand is an educator and writer living in New England.