Literary Heroines Discover ChatGPT

Whiling away hours by the windowsill crying over scorned lovers and evil aunts need not be a thing now AI can solve the trauma

Hannah Wilkinson
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo edited by Author — Original by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash


Taking a break from pacing the beach cottage at the edge of the property while wondering what really happened to her husband’s first wife, Mrs de Winter (The Second) opened her laptop by the roaring fire to ask for AI’s help.

Prompt: Acting as Maxim de Winter, please suggest three reasons why he would choose to marry me, a naïve, middle-class woman in her early twenties.

Answer: Certainly! Here are three reasons why Maxim de Winter would want to marry a naïve, middle-class woman in her early twenties:

  1. Putting the past behind him: You would offer a delightful respite from the persistent voices of his dead wife, Rebecca that haunt the walls of Manderley. So long as you don’t grow a penchant for sailing on your own, or start paying regular visits to cousin Jack.
  2. Improved female company: The housekeeper, Mrs Danvers is a total drag, a suspected pyromaniac and has a ghastly habit of silently creeping up on people. You would be quite the breath of fresh air for Maxim to have around the estate — so long as you can learn to stand up to her.



Hannah Wilkinson
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Quit my 9 to 5 in London to travel, rest and write. Old romantic. I’ll pop the kettle on. Substack: