Mantras for First-Year Teachers, Explained by a Guy Who is Trying Not to Drown

I had no idea how much work would be required to stay afloat!

Nat Hrvatin
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

I have found my paradise!

Congrats, you found a teaching job after fifty applications, fifteen interviews, and fourteen rejections. Paradise, for me, is the name of the cruise ship I just fell off of.

“I am living my dream.”

Your dream is tricking partially-literate teens into caring about symbolism. My dream is making whale noises to signal for help while fooling nearby predators.

“I will be brave and fearless.”

Teenagers, like sharks, can smell fear. They know that you are new; therefore, you are easy chum. I reject the notion that I am easy chum; I use the power of suggestion to manifest an invisible barrier around me. And I know from watching only ten seconds of Jaws that sharks respect barriers.

“I recognize that each student possesses their own intelligence.”

No matter how many times students ignore simple instructions, take their lack of effort as a secret sign of genius! I ignored the sign telling me to wear a life jacket while…



Nat Hrvatin
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Nat Hrvatin is a humor writer from Cleveland, Ohio. Check out her website or follow her on Twitter and Instagram @NatHrvatin.