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More Humor Writers I Enjoy Reading

Check out these funny stories and the people who wrote them

Kyrie Gray
3 min readNov 3, 2020


Every so often I try to share stories and writers I enjoy. If by chance you are feeling stressed today, consider checking out one (or all) of these humorists below. I couldn’t include every humor writer on Medium I read (because that would be crazy) so here is an abbreviated list in no particular order of writers for you to check out so you can get your daily dose of laughs.


Katie Burgess has written for Jane Austen’s Wastebasket before, yet you can find her work everywhere. This piece in Frazzled, besides having an excellent illustration, has hilarious premise you will love.

J.A. Taylor writes in just about every genre, yet he does it so well, that you can almost forgive him for being multi-talented. This story is a small sample of his huge body of work.

Julie Vick is not only kind for sharing comedy resources for aspiring writers, but she’s one of the funniest people I’ve read.

Sarah Paris’s fantastic take on a classic premise will make you look twice at that toddler who isn’t walking in straight line.

Andrew’s comics are simply rendered and very funny, and if for some reason you haven’t seen his work then definitely do so now.

Jen Freymond nailed it with this bit of satire in Belladonna. The insane premise works and its a fun read the whole way through.

Yuqi doesn’t have much on Medium yet, but what I’ve seen I’ve really admired, and I think you will too. Because who among us would want to take over the planet if email was involved?

Teresa Douglas is giving us what we all want over in Greener Pastures. More pet humor!

Audrey Burges write stories many different topics, yet her parenting humor is always a hit with readers, whether they have kids or not. Her piece in Frazzled is just one example of this excellence.

Kylie Craft is a prolific writer and her satire about success articles is spot on.

Lucie Frost entertained many with her timely satire about a certain someone in the news recently.

Lynn I. Hsu is a talented comic artist whose bizarre humor is twice as funny when seen visually. Take for example her one panel riff (ruff) off the house hunter show. She has longer comics as well.

