My Life As An Outline for a Novel

A tragedy entitled “Is This All There Is?”

Lisa Hides
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


A typewriter with the title “Is This All There Is?”

Chapter 1:

Main Character (MC) wakes up way before her alarm. Why does she even set that thing; the prospect of facing the day ahead is alarming enough. Did she even sleep last night? Her sleep tracker sure doesn’t think so.

She rolls out of bed and tiptoes downstairs. Any false move may set the floor creaks in motion. One day she will get to enjoy a coffee in peace. But not today. Today, like every day, the children hear the creak on the second-to-last stair and come barreling down.

MC thinks back to the conversation she and her husband had ten years ago where he promised they would replace the floors “in the Fall”.

He didn’t specify which Fall.

MC, wearing a far-off look, grinds her coffee beans to dust while the children fight over a loot bag finger puppet she forgot to toss while they were sleeping, and make breakfast demands she cannot hear.

Her husband sleeps peacefully in the bedroom upstairs.

Chapter 2:

MC sits at her desk, eyes glazing over at an Excel spreadsheet while one million notifications ping to her phone:

