Police Report from the Special Wassail Unit

Strangers arrive unannounced. Christmas cheer or Crime Spree?

T. Kent Jones
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Tom Morel on Unsplash

At 0213 a.m. on Friday, December 24, 2021, mobile police unit #188 was dispatched to 610 Chichester Court, home of Neville Bonham (DOB 02/13/1958) regarding an alleged home invasion. Below is the report.

— 0135 a.m. EST — A white 2019 Toyota Sienna mini-van drove into his U-shaped driveway at 610 Chichester Court. Six adults, three male, three female, exited the vehicle, approached the house, then repeatedly rang the doorbell, giggling and shushing each other.

— 0141 a.m. EST — Bonham (NB) answers door. Was previously asleep.

— 0142 a.m. EST — Wassailer Number One, (WNO) is described as a white male, 40-ish, 5 feet 10, 190 pounds, ruddy complexion, wearing a top hat with a holly sprig tucked in the band, a red cravat, and a dark tailcoat. Wassailers Two, Three, Four, Five and Six, (see individual descriptions, attachment B) stood behind him in a semi-circle, all wearing Victorian hats, tartan cloaks, and petticoats. WNO tipped his hat and held out a large earthen bowl.

— 0143 a.m. EST— According to NB, “They said ‘Merry Christmas, gov. It is with voices raised and hearts filled, that we come to sup with thee this hallowed eve. Might thou fill our wassail bowl with…



T. Kent Jones
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Writer/performer: The Daily Show on Comedy Central, The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Morning Sedition with Marc Maron on Air America Radio, more.