Romance Heroine Doesn’t Understand How Love Interest is Totally Ripped

“Why hasn’t he mentioned how much he likes working out? When does he have the time?”

Chelsea Resnick
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

This man has shown care and consideration for me for nearly two-hundred pages. You know what that means —

Time for our love scene.

Here in the living room of his sparsely decorated penthouse, his hands tighten on my waist, and my pulse skyrockets.

There’s no telling what the future holds for us. All I know is that I want this. Here. Now.

As he slowly unfastens the buttons of his shirt and sloughs it from his broad shoulders, I take a step back.


The man is RIPPED.

I’m sorry but — did I miss something? Where did this six-pack — no, eight-pack — come from?

Suddenly I stare at a stranger. Not the man with whom I’ve been bantering all these many chapters.

Because he and I have had a LOT of conversations in the course of this novel. He’s told me about his hobbies. How he likes to watch movies and grab the occasional beer with his close childhood friend. How he visits his grandma in her senior living home twice a week. The way he’ll sometimes go for a…



Chelsea Resnick
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Writer and editor based in Austin, TX. Fan of mint-chocolate chip. Aquarius to the bone.