Humor writing advice

Some Humorists to Check Out For Laughs and Inspiration

When in doubt find other funny people to help you write your humor

Kyrie Gray
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
6 min readSep 19, 2021


Image licensed from Canva

I write a lot of humor. But the only reason I can write funny stuff is because I read a lot of it when I started and continue to read it as I improve. Reading other humorists allows you to explore voices, forms, and styles you might want to play with so you can see what works.

So, in no particular order besides tallest to shortest based on no evidence at all, some humorists you should read and (if you write humor) learn from.

Alice H. Lahoda is first. She’s got a ton of great humor out there to read. For my purposes I suggest you check out this piece where she rewrites some famous monologues to address the spammers in her life:

This piece effectively shows how one might use pop culture to enhance their premise. We all wish we could say witty or memorable retorts to spam callers. But we’re not in a movie. Yet what if we were?

