The Kids of Classic Lit: Where Are They Now?

What are our favorite literary youngsters doing in 2021?

Annie O'Brien
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
3 min readMar 11, 2021


Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

Life does not stop after childhood– not for us and not for the children of classic literature. Their story stretches far beyond the pages. This author could not help but wonder what some of her favorites were doing today; I imagined what I would find if I were to quench my curiosity by stalking their Instagrams. It seems their adult lives are just as rich as their childhood!

Anne Shirley

From Anne of Green Gables

Anne and Marilla ran Green Gables as a prosperous farm, with the help of beau Gilbert Blythe. While helping Gilbert in the barn one day, Gilbert introduced Anne to Marijuana, which she loved as it allowed her to fully embrace her daydreams. As an adult, she advocates for weed legalization.

Mary Lennox

From The Secret Garden

After restoring life to her crippled uncle's manor, moody garden girl Mary Lennox blossomed into a very successful reality tv star. With her determination and sass, she is the queen of Bravo’s latest reality series, The Real Ladies of the Moors.

Holden Caulfield

From Catcher in the Rye

After tumultuous teenage years, Mr. Caulfield has finally found peace as a Michelin Star Chef. He specializes in quality meat dishes, which he believes "bolsters his manliness." Holden never commits to a relationship, and he blames it on his travel schedule rather than his moody temperament.

Annemarie Johansen

From Number the Stars

The horrors of World War Two she witnessed as a child in Copenhagen inspired Mademoiselle Johansen to become an activist. Currently, she uses Canva® to make Instagram graphics to educate people about the big issues they should probably talk to Professionals about.

Matilda Wormwood Honey

From Matilda

Miss Honey raised Matilda to be a kind, intelligent, and caring little bookworm. She never left their little cottage, quietly posting pics on her Instagram while writing novels. After Taylor Swift’s Folklore popularized Cottagecore Culture, Matilda’s Instagram skyrocketed in popularity.

