The Shared Personality Traits of Writers and Fitness Fanatics

Writing Makes Me Sweat As Much As Doing Bicep Curls

Maria Garcia
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


All illustrations were custom-made for this piece by the wonderful Carolina Manarte.

I went to the gym today because I realized that sitting in front of the computer for hours and not leaving your house isn’t great. Writers need to keep their bodies in shape so that their fingers can type better. It’s basic stuff.

So there I was, powering through my leg day workout — I was surprised they could handle so much weight after a week-long writing holiday. As my legs slowly died, I noticed all of my fellow gym-goers around me.

That’s when it hit me like a barbell.

Writers are like lifters. Sweat is like syntax. Musings are like muscles. Ink is like iron. And plot twists are like Romanian deadlifts.

Gymgoers are like writers. Except they put all their strength into steel instead of prose.

And both of them, without fault, fall into one of the following archetypes:

1. The Caffeine Junkie and The Pre-Workout Prophet

Being ready to go isn’t for everyone. Especially not for these guys. They need their quick fix of stimulation before they can start anything.

