We Care About Your Privacy so We Can Monetize It

We never said we don’t sell your data. We said we value your privacy. Huge difference.

Philip S. Naudus
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


We value your privacy — up until a buyer emerges (vectorpouch/flatart/freepik/author)

Here at GeneGenie, we realize that delving into your DNA to prophesy every twist and turn of your existence could induce a few privacy concerns. That’s why we’ve taken the effort to write up a 57-page document in minuscule 3-point font detailing everything we promise not to do with your data.

  • We will never train a team of tap-dancing penguins to reenact your family history.
  • We promise not to carve your data into the world’s largest cheese sculpture.
  • We’ll never use your genetic material to clone unicorns, dragons, or other mythical creatures.

Essentially, we promise not to do anything we’d never want to use your data for anyways. Of course, you might notice how we failed to mention activities even remotely similar to what any profit-driven entity might find advantageous. Because, let’s be honest, while we pride ourselves on our integrity, we’re not about to let a golden opportunity slip through our fingers.

We never said we don’t sell your data. We said we value your privacy. Huge difference.



Philip S. Naudus
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

High school teacher by day, koala by night. My wife is a cartoonist with a Ph.D., and she co-authors all of these articles.