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Welcome to Medieval Painting 102 Where You’ll Learn to Draw Creatures You’ve Never Seen

There are no wrong choices because we’re all literally guessing

4 min readApr 17, 2024


Hello, clever orphans and third sons from noble families. Welcome to Medieval Painting 102. Presumably, you’ve all picked up proper pigment-making procedures and lettering from your previous classes. If you can’t illuminate an “S,” you won’t be able to properly convey what you believe a sea serpent might look like based on hearsay.

As you know, our duties include cataloging all the beasts the Lord saw fit to create. Our task is not to question their bizarreness but to capture their image for future generations. Today, we shall start with a mysterious creature, the elephant. What do we know about it? Allegedly, the animal is quite large. It has big ears, can transport people on its back, has a long nose, and sports big horns on its face.

Then there is conjecture. Does it have horse hooves? Is the nose snake or pig-like? And would it win in a fight with a dragon? That’s where you come in, my young students. You must draw the animal using what you know about the world around you and what you hear from those who have seen the creatures in real life.

