Why Go to Therapy When These Band-Aid Solutions Are So Much Better?

A guide to DIY mental health

Lisa Hides
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Smiling woman with thought bubbles with cat, shopping, botox, and social media
Image created by author in Canva

So you’re thinking about starting therapy, huh? I mean, that’s cool and all if you like airing your dirty laundry to some stranger who is completely impartial, non-judgmental, and highly qualified to help you with your problems.

I’m no expert, but I’ve got 41 years of experience that suggests you can avoid therapy by following this handy-dandy list of band-aid solutions that are guaranteed to make you feel instantly better.

Get a cat

A feline friend makes for the perfect listener. Your adult daughter who is a single parent to twins and works two full-time jobs may be too wrapped up in her own life to hear you drone on about how stressed and exhausted you are in your retirement, but Fluffy will never cut you off when you’re complaining. Fluffy cares, and unlike your selfish family, she will never leave your side.


The reason you never socialize or host people is not because of your crippling social anxiety as a result of never feeling loved or accepted by your parents, it’s because your house is outdated. If you had a bright, beautiful modern kitchen with brand-new appliances, you would host people all the time.

