Yoga for Non-Confrontational People Who Need to Set Personal Boundaries

Let’s move into the I’ve-spoken-up-for-myself-and-that-is-a-choice-I-deeply-regret pose

Nat Hrvatin
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Welcome to this non-combative space. Please unroll your mat and resist the urge to apologize when you accidentally bump into the person beside you.

We’ll start today’s practice in mountain pose. Please extend your arms to your sides and drop your shoulders. To truly embody that strength in body and mind, I want you to set a boundary with your friend Susan. Repeat after me: “No, Susan. I cannot carpool your twins to soccer practice. You live three towns away from me.” Ah, that was lovely.

From there, we’ll shift into balancing half moon. As you inhale, remember why you’re here. You’re tired of doing your classmate’s homework for them. Exhale. You’re tired of shoveling your neighbor’s driveway. Inhale. You don’t want to be frisked by TSA for agreeing to carry strangers’ bags. On an big exhale, repeat after me: “I’m not a spineless coward anymore.”

Clasp your hands in prayer pose and inhale. As you inhale, picture being surrounded by an invisible barrier. When Aunt Tina asks you to babysit your cousins for free again, imagine this barrier. Tell Aunt Tina that answer is “No,” unless she is willing to pay for…



Nat Hrvatin
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Nat Hrvatin is a humor writer from Cleveland, Ohio. Check out her website or follow her on Twitter and Instagram @NatHrvatin.