Upcycled Cookies. What Will the 21st Century Bring Us Next?

And an honest taste test.

Jane Keathley
Jane’s Booklore


Aldi Vanilla Oatmilk Upcycled Cookies. Photo by author.

Yesterday I was sauntering down the cookie aisle at Aldi, searching for keto treats.

(I started a low-carb diet at the beginning of the week. I lost four pounds in four days! Woo hoo! I didn’t want to sabotage my progress by wolfing a hundred grams of flour and sugar.)

I thought I had found a new variety of keto cookies. The packaging was similar.

Vanilla oatmilk sounded yummy.

Then I took a closer look at the bag.

Photo by author.

The quote from the bag:

“Upcycling is creatively saving food that otherwise would be wasted. The foods we’ve rescued in our new delicious line of cookies include the nutritious pulp leftover from oatmilk production.”

Pulp? In cookies? What’s going on?

I found the answer on the back of the package.



Jane Keathley
Jane’s Booklore

Author, blogger, book reviewer. Editor, Jane's Booklore publication. I'm @janekeathley360 on Twitter.