Janio Content Team
Janio Asia
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2019

Written by: Benedict Leong

We had a clear vision when we started Janio in early 2018: To build Southeast Asia’s leading logistics network which provides the infrastructure needed to help eCommerce businesses scale their operations quickly and reliably. We started with one office based in Singapore and launched our first lane in Indonesia within a few short months. By the end of the year, we were shipping in over ten lanes throughout Asia.

Today, Janio serves international clients in regions further from our home, such as Australia, and we now have offices throughout Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. With an increasingly global presence, it was clear that we needed to develop a strong, clear and singular brand identity that would be suitable across markets.

What do we stand for?

At the start of the rebranding process, we asked ourselves some questions:

  • What values do we want to be associated with?
  • How do we communicate our vision and commitment to service excellence?

After several rounds of brainstorming, we streamlined the values we wanted to be associated with down to two:

  1. Professional: Holding ourselves to a high standard of excellence in the work we do
  2. Reliable: Delivering on our promises to our trusted clients

Beyond being able to portray these values, we want our brand identity to be timeless, understood across markets, and of course to be easily associated with logistics. Several iterations and countless cups of coffee later, we finally arrived at our chosen concept: The Janio wordmark, integrated with an upward-pointing arrow

Our new brand identity

We decided to use the word janio as the base of the identity, as the word itself is an acronym that communicates our vision. “Janio” stands for:

  • Joint
  • Network
  • 10

While not related to the regional intergovernmental organisation ASEAN, we focus on the 10 countries in Southeast Asia that make up ASEAN. To date, we have lanes in seven of the ten countries. The 1 and 0 also hold a second meaning, representing our use of technology in developing a joint network that simplifies logistics in the region. The network infrastructure we develop helps provide the infrastructure required for eCommerce businesses to scale their operations.

The 45° arrow inside the letter “o” conveys Janio’s strength and power as a reliable logistics service provider, while also representing Janio’s dedication and excitement to serve our clients and grow alongside them.

The superscript dot on the letter “J” is a teal-coloured box that represents the crux of our business; delivering parcels with the highest quality service. It is the only element accentuated, highlighting Janio’s main priority and commitment to customers.

The base colour of the logo, blue, is the colour of the sea and sky, the mediums of international trade, and is meant to symbolize our role in connecting businesses to and throughout Southeast Asia through cross-border logistics.

Where’s Janio heading to next?

Our vision here at Janio is a grand but challenging one. We are taking on one of the biggest problems in Southeast Asia and eCommerce, utilizing technology to address inefficiencies and simplifying complexities in international shipping. While our previous brand identity communicated our use of technology in tackling these issues, our revamped brand identity brings the focus back to our promise to our clients. Professionalism, reliability, delivering excellent service to grow alongside our clients. We believe that our new branding will serve us well, going beyond just Singapore, but connecting with our audience on a global level.

At Janio, we are always on the lookout for the best and brightest minds who are passionate about solving the most challenging of problems. If our vision of solving some of Southeast Asia’s biggest challenges speaks to you, join us today.



Janio Content Team
Janio Asia

We are a cross-border logistics service provider with a passion to help make deliveries throughout Southeast Asia easy, fast and affordable for you.