EmojiBot enables Manychat bots to instantly respond to 1500 emoji

Deborah Kay
Being Janis
Published in
6 min readFeb 24, 2019


EmojiBot for Manychat is a collection of 300+ Dialogflow intents that can allow your Manychat bot to respond to over 1,500 different Emojis.

Chatbot builders all know that users like to send emojis to bots, but with thousands of emojis available, how does one train a bot to respond to all of them?

That’s where EmojiBot comes to the rescue!

The empathetic responses of EmojiBot for Manychat

What you need to get started

You’ll need a Dialgflow agent (conversational AI from Google), a Manychat page with a Manychat Pro account and Janis.ai to connect Manychat to Google. You’ll also need the pre-trained emoji which you’ll install to Dialogflow.

Step 1: Create a new Dialogflow agent

Go to Dialogflow.com and create a Dialogflow Agent You just need to name your Dialogflow agent, then click Save. Name your agent so it matches the name of your ManychatBot.

Step 2: Get a Key from Janis to connect Dialogflow to Manychat

Click here and using Slack you’ll want to connect Dialogflow to Manychat.

Option A

If you want to use Dialogflow and respond with more than just emojis including being able to respond to small talk or answer customer service FAQ, choose the Template option and Janis will give you an Artificial Intelligence template for Manychat/

Option B

If you just want to use just the emoji and don’t want the complete Dialogflow template, then choose the Custom Integration option. You’ll still need to install a template on the Manychat side but you can install this template which only focuses on emoji.

Both the complete Artificial Intelligence template (Option A) and the Emoji Only template (Option B) have every emoji added as keyword rules to Manychat (All 1500)

The emojis are randomly added to Manychat keywords rules, and any input will go to a Flow with a dynamic request (all input will be sent to Dialogflow so it’s processed with AI).

Once your Manychat bot has every emoji added as a keyword rule, then you need to get the Emoji Intents to install to Dialogflow. The EmojiBot Expansion Pack is a collection of pre-trained Dialogflow Intents that will make your bot responsive to every emoji you’ve added to your Manychat keyword rules.

How it works

EmojiBot responds to any emoji using a related emoji. If a user sends EmojiBot a smiling emoji, EmojIBot will return with a random smiling emoji. If the user sends a sad emoji, EmojiBot will return a random sad emoji.

The empathetic responses of EmojiBot for Manychat

These emoji responses can give your Bot a human-like sense of empathy, where your chatbot can appear to mirror the feelings of the user.

EmojiBot also responds to different categories (vehicles, sports, animals, food etc).

EmojiBot detects the category of the emoji and responds with a random emoji from the same category (e.g. vehicles, sport, animals, food).

EmojiBot can recognize any flag or horoscope!

These responses are fully customizable in Dialogflow. The Dialogflow Intents are available in 7 native languages — EN, FR, ES, DE, DA, IT, NO, PT.

How it works from Manychat

Once you connect a Dialogflow agent to Janis.ai and connect that to your Manychat bot, you want to have every emoji added to a Keyword rule. The template already has all 1,500+ emojis saved as keyword rules which get sent to a flow.

The emoji Flow contains a dynamic card which will forward the user’s input to Dialogflow and if you have the EmojiBot Intents installed in Dialogflow, you’ll deliver a response back to your user.

👉 The EmojiBot collection of Intents, which includes pre-trained AI for 1500 emoji in multiple languages is available here.

👉 To try out and see how it works, click here

Help Me Build Schools with Pencils of Promise

$35 on every order will be donated to a cause I care about deeply. In return, you’ll get Dialogflow agent (in 7 languages) + installation instructions, which you can use for as many bots as you like.

I have been supporting Pencils of Promise since 2015. I support them because their founder, Adam Braun, and I both worked at Bain & Company and we believe in results. 100% of schools built by Pencils of Promise is operational today.

Over the last 2 years, I’ve raised US$75,000 and have helped to build three schools in Laos. In total, over 1,644 students and community members impacted!

Before (School I helped build in Laos)
After (School I helped build in Laos)

To date, EmojiBot has raised over US$2,700 for Pencils of Promise from bot developers like you.

What do you get when you donate?

You’ll get a zipped file of a Dialogflow agent + installation instructions.

See what people have to say about EmojiBot

This is definitely a must-have feature in every chatbot because most of the time people like to use emojis when interacting with my bot. This is where my bot will truly shine and impress them because Deborah’s EmojiBot never fails me. It is by far my best investment for my chatbot business and super easy to set up.” — Lian Jin Hoe (Udemy Instructor — Chatfuel for Beginners, Building a Chatbot Without Code)

I have emojibot and it is an essential skill for my bots. Easy to plugin, easy to customize. Also the ability for bots to respond to emoji is the easiest way to have feedbacks from users. I can’t imagine to build a bot without emojibot’s skills.”Gael Moysan, (Digital Marketer, Chatbot Developer)

“Emojibot has been a valuable addition to our AI solutions, giving our clients’ chatbots the versatility and sense of realism that’s expected of high quality AI personas.”- Wouter Sligter (BotBizzBuilders)

“The setup extremely simple for such a powerful piece of technology and the results have been phenomenal. I’ve seen more engagement, less conversational breakdowns and less unsubscribes and I attribute that to emoji bot. I personal believe it is this type of technology that truly makes chatbots great and I can’t recommend Emoji bot and Deborah enough! — James Mayberry (Chatbot Creator — Flik m.me/flikmovies)

Being able to respond to emojis sent by users is so so so important and a must-have for any chatbot. Thanks so much for making this available!” — Cashbot.ai

Play with EmojiBot for Manychat!

Test EmojiBot here and purchase for instant download and use here. Please drop me an email at Debbie.kay at Gmail to let me know what you think, or if you have any questions!

Donate here: https://fundraise.pencilsofpromise.org/fundraiser/1274653

Learn More about my School Building Campaigns

Go to https://deb.bi/WantstoBuildaSchool or visit my Facebook page here.

Before you go…

  1. Join the Janis Facebook group and meet other Manychat users benefiting from AI.
  2. Applaud and share this with others if you found it useful!



Deborah Kay
Being Janis

Head of Digital Transformation | Chatbot Evangelist | Speaker | 21 All Star Twitter | 3X School Builder | Top Medium writer in AI 2018 | Digitaldiscovery.sg