My Media Meal Plan

Janna Salimovic
Janna’s Stories
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2019

My phone usage has formed into my daily routines. When I wake up, I check my phone and read my notifications like it’s the morning paper. During my days in my free time, I check notifications and answer texts, I usually go through my Twitter feed, Instagram feed and texts until I fall asleep.

When it comes to using my phone, I’ve noticed that I use my messaging app the most out of all of my apps. In the span of ten days, my messaging app was used for 12 hours, Snapchat was accessed for 7 hours and Instagram was used for 5 hours. My weekly average of using my message app is around 8 hours total. Most of my notifications come from my message app.

In one week, I received nearly 1,000 notifications for messages that were sent to me. This makes a lot of sense to me because of how many people I talk to. I have a group chat with my friends from my hometown, which is used a lot throughout the week. I also talk to my mom, my boyfriend and my roommates on a daily basis.

Compared to messaging, my social media app usage is less than what it is for my messaging app. The next app that I used the most in a week is Snapchat. To me, this goes hand in hand with my messaging app. I use Snapchat to talk to my friends throughout the day as well. It’s weird because I’ll find myself snapchatting and messaging the same people at the same time. Whether it be two different conversations with the same person, it’s on two different platforms so it makes it seem like there’s more being talked about.

My activity during the week is a lot higher than my weekend activity which is odd because my weekends are usually always free. I found this very interesting and it almost seems like I use my phone as a distraction even on my busy days.

Before I began tracking my data usage, I didn’t think I used my phone nearly as much as what I witnessed in my weekly results. The results I received made me realize how much I use my phone and that my daily usage is probably a lot higher than it should be.

