#106 Force of nature

Karim Heredia
Janne: A magical life
2 min readDec 2, 2023

Janne was stronger than she knew. When she would start a project or a walk, I got used to the idea that her initial estimate was always an understatement. She had more capacity than what she gave herself credit for.

Early on, we took a walk near our university through the forests of Heimfeld. We just wanted to walk for a bit. Once we reached the other side of the forest, we had walked around 6 km and we were tired. I proposed to take the bus back, but Janne had the habit of not bringing her bus ticket. It weighed too much. She refused to pay so we walked back.

I recall one day when she proposed going for a bike ride near home during the lockdown. I had about two hours before a late meeting so we agreed it would be short, just for 45 minutes or so. Once we reached our destination, Janne would ask, “what if we try this other route?” In her language, that meant, “I’m not going back yet!” So we took that other route. I wasn’t happy that 45 minutes had turned into 2 hours and I came to my meeting with only two minutes to spare and had to sit all sweaty through the call.

But I got to learn to predict her pace. When we started remodelling our home at the end of 2019, I had some money in savings. I transferred everything to her so she could decide whatever she wanted. However, just a month into the project, I realized it wouldn’t be enough. I told Janne that we should refinance the mortgage in the house. She thought it wouldn’t be necessary. I convinced her and we did get an extension in our house loan. We got the money exactly the week when she needed it for her next stage in the construction. We used it all and she did all what she wanted.

If she would propose an hour walk, I would reserve three hours. If she wanted to watch one episode of our series in the evening, I knew it meant at least two or up to four. If we would go to the city, I made sure to have extra money in my transport card. Buses and trams are free in Tallinn so she just had to carry her own card. She never thought she’d need it (and somehow still weighed too much). I always had to pay for her.

Trying to predicting Janne’s strength just made my life fun. She was a true force of nature.

