#125 Star Wars

Karim Heredia
Janne: A magical life
2 min readDec 29, 2023

We visited Disneyland yesterday. Trevor and Daniel had a blast going through rides, but also feeling free to just be with our friends. As for me, it was incredible even if something else happened. In every ride we tried, there was always a reminder of Janne. I’m lucky because having many triggers means that we experienced a lot together. I’m lucky also because I was surrounded by friends this whole day.

One of those reminders was Star Wars. I am a fan. I have seen those movies too many times. I have also read books and watched documentaries about how those films have been made.

When we were in Hamburg, the sixth Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith, came out. I bought us tickets to go on a Sunday. Then I asked Janne on Friday if she had watched Star Wars. She said that no, she had no idea. I had to fix that. We went to rent the other five movies and watched three on Saturday and two on Sunday. She was ready.

When the boys were little, I would play those movies in the background. When Trevor and Daniel were little, a friend gifted them plastic light sabers. As usual, I would play Star Wars movies often. When Daniel saw Darth Vader in our TV, he ran to get the plastic light saber to start hitting him. I managed to save our TV while being proud of Daniel’s Jedi skills.

When Rogue One came out, we went to the premiere with a friend. Our friend made a photo of us with Janne’s telephone while we joked about being in the red carpet. Janne liked the movie. It became my favorite as it was so real (spoiler alert, all heroes die in the end).

We watched the new Star Wars movies in the cinema too. The thing with us is that Janne didn’t have to like science fiction to come with me to the cinema the same way I went with her to any movie she liked. We just wanted to enjoy together.

After the diagnosis, a new Star Wars series came out called Andor. It became a favorite of us. Episodes would come out the night before she usually had to go to a chemotherapy session. We tried to watch it the same evening, but if it didn’t work, we’d wait until Janne was back from the hospital.

Janne was with me yesterday. For that, I’m lucky.

