#220 Antigua

Karim Heredia
Janne: A magical life
3 min readJul 26, 2024

The boys and I spent a few days in Antigua Guatemala. This was a usual destination when Janne and I visited. Trevor was here when he was one.

This city wasn’t always “Antigua” (a word for “old” in Spanish). Instead, its name was “Santiago de los Caballeros” and was the capital city of all Central America when Spain ruled the continent. It was a live metropolis since the early 16th century.

Guatemala is prone to disasters. Earthquakes happen often. My first memory is linked to earthquakes in 1976 (25,000 people died then). They do not always cause disasters. Last Saturday, Daniel had his first taste of a small shake (Trevor didn’t feel it). We noticed it when a large lamp in the room started swinging. For Guatemalans, this is just an everyday thing.

In 1773, a series of earthquakes destroyed Santiago de los Caballeros. Many people died then. The aftermath also caused very unhealthy conditions to continue living in this place. The Spanish Crown decreed that people were to move to a new location where Guatemala City lies now. This is how this town became Antigua.

A few people stayed. They started making their living among the ruins of former grandiose buildings. Over time, it regained some importance as the lands around are among the most fertile in Guatemala. Those ruins redefined what the town was to be.

Today, ruins are one of the reasons why people come in droves to visit this town. It preserved its colonial layout and developed a particular architectural style. Daniel made the comment when visiting a restaurant that he liked how the old walls combined a modern wooden roof. Janne loved this place for the same reason.

I am Antigua. I suffered something of the magnitude of an earthquake with aftershocks that will continue for a while. Right now, I’m just living through the stage of ruins in my soul. I’m trying to compose myself to offer a continuous life for Trevor and Daniel.

But just as Antigua, this disaster might as well redefine who I am. I’m not moving away from what Janne means to me, but I intend to continue building on top of that. If I manage to become just a bit as beautiful as Antigua by the time I die, I’ll consider that a success.

