Lofty Goals

Jannette Thrasher
Jannette Thras
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2021

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for lusting after knowledge and making status the standard for godliness.

Sadly, it’s the worldly wise man/woman mentality… not a calling of God at all.

Our Humble Lord has called us into a relationship with Himself where we are servant “under rowers”. Instead, much like the Pharisees, we would rather accept an unattainable Christian life which has us following every jot & tittle all the while climbing status ladders.

Unfortunately in this dog eat dog world we tend step on, beat back, and climb over everyone in our path including God Himself so we can stand on a pedestal for the lust of attention from a crowd.

We will no doubt receive our pats on the back, the superficial smiles, and the honorable accolades. We may even finally achieve that coveted affluent lifestyle that is sometimes attached to this lofty goal.

Rather than intimacy with the Lord, if this is our true desire in life, He will allow us to exchange a white washed tomb of a life instead of the freedom of sweet fellowship with Him.

We should be aware that this is one of the oldest tactics of Satan: an opiate of “religious” works shrouded in good deeds. There’s no reward from God in this.

Self attainment is not a calling of God.

