100 Days of Code ..d|0_o|b..

Day 001: January 6, 2017 Friday

1 min readJan 9, 2017


Following in the footsteps of many, I have joined Alexander Kallaway’s #100DaysOfCode. (Here’s his updated article: Boot Up 2017 …)

Today’s Progress: I am up to [151] at FreeCodeCamp.

Thoughts: the JavaScript exercises move very quickly. I will have to suggest some support exercises for my students.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Day 1 of #100daysofcode. Set up my @github log. Huzzah ..d|0_o|b
  2. Current work: Build a Tribute Page at FreeCodeCamp: A Tribute to Randall Munroe.
  3. freeCodeCamp from: Comment your JavaScript Code to: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String.
  4. This is me at freeCodeCamp and at Codepen.

