The Technique to Protect Your Energy from Others

Japan In Mind
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2020

Why is it that after speaking with some people, you feel incredibly tired?

You feel like the energy has been sucked right out of you, and the motivation to carry on with the rest of the day dwindles.

Even though that person you spoke with wasn’t a bad or negative person at all.

If you ever experienced that before, then you have just experienced a good part of your energy being taken from you.

We can’t “see” energy, but by learning how energy interacts, it can help us to lead better lives.

Introverts and Extroverts

We can categorize personalities into two large categories: Introverts and Extroverts.

Introverts prefer to steer clear of social interactions, feel more comfortable when they are alone, and generally are not outspoken with their opinions.

It’s easy for them to reach gratification and enjoy relaxing things.

They like to think deeply about things. They also have a tendency to get depressed or insecure easily.

Extroverts love social interaction and are always on the lookout for the next opportunity to talk. They are outgoing and caress energetic personalities.

Ordinary days don’t offer much gratitude, so they’re always on the lookout for something exciting.

Interacting with others triggers a release of dopamine for them.

It depends on the individual, but usually there’s no such thing as a 100% introvert or 100% extrovert, and most of us lie somewhere in between.

Extroverted people usually receive energy from humans they interact with.

So they can be with others a long time without growing tired.

Introverted people on the other hand get tired the more they are around other people.

What It Means to have Energy “Taken Away”

Extroverted people become energized when interacting with others, but there are some extroverts who end up “stealing” energy.

This usually happens when an extrovert tries to control, convince, or manipulate someone into doing something.

Domestic violence and bullying are prime examples of where one tries to get another to obey them, or from another perspective, where one tries to resupply his or her own energy by forcefully taking from others.

It may be hard to notice, but people who seem dark and negative, or people who always play the victim are also “energy takers” as well. They suck other people’s energy by getting them to sympathize with their dark, depressive states.

You may think that energy is most easily stolen from healthy people with lots of energy, but actually the most vulnerable victims are people who are weak and don’t have a lot of energy.

“Energy takers” are also people who don’t know how to create their own energy.

If you don’t know how to create energy by doing what you like to do, caring or giving to others, or by expressing and receiving thanks, then you will become an “energy taker”.

Stealing energy from others looks simple and feels easy, so people that practice this end up reliant on it.

Givers and Takers

There are people who think “What Can I Give to People?” and others who think “What Can I Take from People?

People who are givers tend to think that People share the same way of thinking as them.

So it’s hard for them to imagine that there are people in the world that would take energy from others.

Givers find it difficult to spot energy takers.

Not realizing that there are energy takers means that you will always have your energy taken from you without realizing it, making it difficult to cultivate new relationships.

So it’s important for givers to know that they should be wary of energy takers.

Takers, on the other hand, are able to easily spot out energy takers.

Don’t Create an “Energy Pipe”

In order to avoid losing energy to an energy taker, don’t level the playing field.

One way to do this is to never give them the answer that they expect.

If you fall into a friendly dialogue with these people, then you are risking yourself sympathizing with the other person. This creates a sort of spiritual connection, or an “Energy Pipe” which connects with you the energy taker.

Once the pipe is created, then the taker will “suck in” your energy.

You feel tired when you are with that person.

You feel demotivated when you are with that person.

You feel like you mean less when you are with that person.

These are all signs that your energy may be getting taken away from you.

When evaluating people, you should ask yourself “Will I be more happy spending time with this person?”

This should span across your relationship spectrum, from friends, to lovers, to colleagues. In fact, there might be a relationship where you are the one who is taking energy.

This evaluation is more “spiritual” and based on gut feeling than “material”, or something you can analyze logically with data and reasoning. It has nothing to do with one’s fame, profession, or how nice they are, or how caring they might be.

In today’s world, we tend to do exactly the opposite, and ignore our gut-feeling analysis of others.

By choosing who we surround ourselves with based on logical or material reasoning, we are getting gratification from being “recognized” or “accepted” as someone with “good intentions”, or someone who is associated with “great people”.

Only you can be the judge of who is a person you can have a healthy energy relationship with, and you must develop this “detector” yourself.

Another important point: Never let an energy taker sit or stand on your left side. There’s no scientific evidence for this, but there are many books that state this fact and I have experienced the difference myself. So if you ever find yourself in a business meeting or eating lunch or dinner with an energy taker, sit to their left to protect your energy levels.

There’s No Need to Take Energy to Receive Energy

Nature is a great way of receiving energy. Just by enveloping yourself in nature, you can fill yourself with energy.

Hurricanes and Typhoons are full of energy.

After they pass, the earth and ocean they passed is filled with energy.

You may notice that the morning after a typhoon passes feels different and refreshing.

You don’t need to take energy away from other people to receive it. By doing activities you love, by taking a stroll through nature, by playing with animals or children, you can not only receive, but also create energy.

By caring for others, you are also creating a cycle of energy, where the energy you give will come back to you. It’s important to not only store energy, but to also use it.

It’s similar to money. The more you let money flow, the more money you can create. Same with energy.

We may not be able to see energy, but by understanding the flow of energy, we can improve our relationships and make our lives better.

