10 Real Style Tips for 6 Fictional Anime Girls

Not to mention you and me.

ZenPlus | Shop Japan
Japan Plus You
12 min readJan 26, 2021


Love is eternal. Music is universal.

Style and fashion are…celestial?

Okay, that last one may not have the same familiar (or poetic) ring to it, but the underlying message is the same:

Some things in life are too powerful to deny.

After all, certain elements of style and fashion (in terms of form and function, especially) can just as easily be applied to fictional anime and game characters as they can to you and me.

Concepts that transcend humanity and even reality itself — if that’s not celestial, we don’t know what is!

Aimi apparel collab with R4G
Source: R4G (Respect For Geeks)

To show you what we mean, here’s a list of 6 anime and game characters portrayed by popular voice actor Aimi whose lives could benefit greatly from a slightly updated wardrobe. We’ll take these additions and adjustments from Aimi’s debut collaboration with anime apparel brand R4G: AiM:Øriginal.

All right, time for some styling and profiling!

Exhibit A: Kyoko Yamate + “A” LOGO BEANIE

Aimi R4G collab black beanie

About Kyoko

Profile: Leader of “stoic and confident” DJ unit Peaky P-key
From: D4DJ (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ)

Style Tip #1: Changes are chances

Ah, Kyoko’s trademark baseball cap. With its subtle bill piercings, unique side strap, and bold front-face lettering, it’s not so much a piece of headwear as it is a crown fit for a disc-scratching queen.

…So why replace it, you ask?

Simple: It’s an amazing chance to generate buzz.

Our eyes follow a natural path from top to bottom when we look at things. So change up that iconic top look, and boom: You’re immediately turning heads. People are talking and tuning in.

Imagine Hatsune Miku hitting the stage with a short bob instead of her usual pigtails. Or Nezuko literally letting her hair down and kicking demon butt with a fresh set of bangs.

Hatsune Miku short bob haircut
Nezuko with bangs
Source: Pixiv / Pinterest

It’s all about free publicity — which, as a performer, is paramount.

Switching things up visually would be a great chance for Kyoko and her fellow Peaky P-key members to reach new heights.

Style Tip #2: Protect your greatest assets

Day after day of eye-catchin’, disc-scratchin’, globe-trottin’, chart-toppin’ success. Fervent crowds that burn up dance floors and stadium arenas alike.

How cool would the life of a DJ (or any musician, for that matter) be?

The answer, we figure, is cool — and then some. Because jam and jive as she might, we imagine there’s just no way Kyoko would be able to generate the same kind of body heat as her fiery audience. And considering how chilly a club or festival stadium can get at night, that becomes an issue healthwise.

Aimi wowing the crowd as Kyoko onstage

Cold temperatures can contribute to a host of ear-related problems — from simple pain and ringing, to dizziness, and even hearing loss. Tragic for us common folk, and career-threatening for a musician.

Luckily for her, she’d have her trusty Aimi beanie to keep her ears warm and her spirit warmer.

Aimi black beanie

Exhibit B: Beneca + “A” LOGO GI BELT

Beneca (Caravan Stories)
Aimi collab black belt

About Beneca

Profile: Granddaughter of legendary knight Eric Abel
From: Caravan Stories (PS4, PC, mobile)

Style Tip #3: Clothes really do make the (wo)man

Belts are sneaky little blighters. Apart from the obvious security of keeping your clothes in place, they also create an illusion of tallness. Segmenting your body with a well-placed belt naturally draws the gaze of onlookers upward, making your waist appear higher — and your legs longer.

How to make legs look longer
Source: Wear It For Less

One Caravan Stories player used the game’s Fire Force anime collab to discover that 14-year-old Beneca stands at just over 130 cm (4 ft) — about 20 cm (9″) shorter than the average height for her age.

This makes her the very epitome of chibi, which is all well and good if all you’re doing is gunning for that perfect kawaii look — but when you’re living in medieval Guriam and fighting tooth and nail to survive, maybe not so much!

Beneca height comparison
Source: Caravan Stories Masters

Of course, given Beneca’s prestigious upbringing and adventurous spirit, by no means are we saying that size is the only thing that matters on the battlefield. Still, when your figure alone can strike fear into the hearts of your opponents and turn the tide of an encounter in your favor, every little bit helps, right?

If you’re short of stature like Beneca, then a belt like Aimi’s can really make others see you in a different light and leave a lasting impression.

Aimi black belt

Exhibit C: Millaarc Cranstoun + “A: O” FACE COVER

Millaarc Cranstoun
Aimi R4G collab face mask

About Millaarc

Profile: Failed attempt at scientifically recreating a legendary vampire
From: Symphogear XV

Style Tip #4: Feel the heat

What we wouldn’t give to be able to fly like Millaarc. Soaring through the heavens, dancing among the stars, courting freedom — it’d be out of this world.

But good golly Miss Milla would it be cold!

Scientists estimate that temperatures outside commercial airliners drop to less than -50℃ due to the massive loss of air pressure at flying altitude. The expert verdict: “You would quickly die.”

While things may not get that bad for a vampire like Millaarc, no doubt her happy-go-lucky attitude would see her indulging in the need for speed while airborne — making the cold that much worse.

Millaarc Cranstoun wings
Source: Rory Muses

Aimi’s “A: O” Face Cover would trap in the warm air that Millaarc exhales, adding at least a little bit of heat to her chilly aerial escapades. If you’ve ever felt the blistering cold while out cycling on a winter’s day, especially during an adrenaline-filled downhill descent, you can no doubt relate.

Style Tip #5: Keep bloodlust — and bacteria — at bay

Blood is to vampires as honey is to bees. There’s such an insatiable desire for it that one whiff, one accidental taste, and it’s rampage city.

Wearing a mask would keep Millaarc’s natural bloodlust in check. Not only is it a physical barrier to her senses, it’s somewhat of a psychological one too, as people in masks literally touch their faces less frequently. There’ll be no bloodsucking, no contact transmission here, thank you very much — deliberate or otherwise.

COVID mask comparison
Source: Shutterstock

Blood splatter? Mask. No direct contact.
Bloodstained fingers? Mask. No direct contact.

Of course, the same barrier logic goes for bacteria, viruses, and other nasties that linger out in the open — a dilemma we’ve come to know all too well during the COVID pandemic, much less regular cold and flu season.

Aimi in mask


Julia playing guitar
Aimi collab check shirt

About Julia

Profile: Guitarist for girl group MILLION STARS
From: THE iDOLM@STER Million Live!: Theater Days

Style Tip #6: Just wear you

Pop and punk are the very definition of polar opposites. On one hand you have the squeaky-clean, million-dollar smiles of MILLION STARS and NiziU; on the other, the free-spirited my way or the highway dismissiveness of The Blue Hearts and The Floppy-Pinkies.

Offstage, Julia is all about the latter — from her slick, jagged hairstyle to the raw, rebellious body language she shows off to the world. And while her private wardrobe successfully ditches the rainbows and unicorns, there’s still one thing missing: that quintessential element of punk culture, the checked shirt.

Aimi in check shirt

Aimi’s Over Size Check Shirt would allow Julia to take a breather from the glitz and glamour of her popstar ways and fully embrace the punk lifestyle which she holds so dear. Punk is, after all, what got her into (and where she wants to end up in) the music industry.

At the end of the day, that’s what makes fashion so fun: It lets us be ourselves. What we wear is a proclamation of who we are and what we love — without us actually having to speak.

Style Tip #7: A versatile wardrobe is a happy wardrobe

Julia plays a right-handed Gibson guitar, but she’s actually a lefty. Because heck, why not? Living and breathing punk means being versatile, leaving rules and preconceptions in the dust.

Perfect, then, that Aimi’s checked shirt is also the epitome of versatility. From casual and carefree to chic and avant-garde, it offers Julia endless style possibilities, and she’d hit the ball clean out of the park with every single one.

Considering that more than 50% of the clothes in our wardrobe goes unused throughout the year, a more versatile (read: punk) approach to fashion could really do wonders for the environment and our own lives.

Unused wardrobe infographic
Source: Fashion United

Exhibit E: Neruko Yanagisawa + “A: O” HOODIE

Neruko Yanagisawa
Aimi R4G collab hoodie

About Neruko

Profile: Mahjong player and friendly neighborhood NEET
From: Online mahjong game Momoiro Taisen Pairon

Style Tip #8: Time-savers are lifesavers

When it comes to hoodies, speed and efficiency is the name of the game.

A hoodie can be worn with just about anything. You could be getting ready for some shut-eye, heading to the gym, popping out for some groceries, or just lounging around at home in true NEET style — throw on a hoodie and bam, you’re done.

It’s not just about getting dressed more quickly, either: prop that hood up and you eliminate the need for hairstyling too. That’s a blessing for Neruko — because when your entire do is covered by the hood of your hoodie, who’s going to notice that you haven’t showered today (or all of last week)?

Aimi in hoodie

Why all the fuss, you say?

Because we take more time getting ready each day than we might realize.

A 2016 study by retailer Marks & Spencer found that working professionals spend about 15 minutes every morning just deciding what to wear (13 minutes for men, 17 minutes for women). And that’s just for work, too — who knows how much longer it takes us to decide in our social lives, where the scope for individual stylistic choice is much broader.

Of course, neither a working nor a social life matter much to Neruko, but that 17 minutes could still be devoted to other more important endeavors. Like sleeping. And eating. And mahjong.

Neruko eating

Exhibit F: Alraune (Flora Beast) + AIMIN LS TEE

Aimi R4G collab tee

About Alraune

Profile: Flower demon specializing in battlefield support
From: Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories

Style Tip #9: Make an everlasting “one-off” impact

No, that’s not an oxymoron. If you’re looking to flaunt your fashion sense and captivate the crowds, nothing does the trick quite like a “one-off” style: incorporating an element into your outfit that is bold, playful, and against the grain in terms of tradition.

Aiming for dapper but daring at a networking event? Offset that new suit with some leather low-cut sneakers.
Hate sacrificing style for comfort? Get the best of both worlds by pairing that loose sweatshirt with something slimmer down below.

Suit sneakers
Baggy sweater slim skirt
Source: Mr Koachman / LIMIA

The latter look is what we have in mind for Alraune, as the adorably oversized Aimi LS Tee contrasts perfectly with the demon’s slim organic figure. It might even throw off potential hunters who would rather not try to comprehend why she’s even wearing clothes in the first place.

In Japanese it’s known as hazushi, meaning “off the mark.” But for fashionistas, it can be a sign of a style game that is very much on point.

Aimi in collab tee

Style Tip #10: Raise your Defense stat

Alraune aren’t the most sturdy of folk — that much can be gleaned from their delicate appearance alone. Their mystical nature grants them solid protection against magical offense, but just like any beautiful flower, they’re not made to withstand much physical punishment at all.

Covering up in an Aimi tee won’t make Alraune invincible, but the material separation will at least help to reduce the pain of any impact she may find herself on the receiving end of — and in the rough-and-tumble world of Disgaea, we’re sure there’s plenty of it to be found.

There’s also the added benefit of UV protection and a reduced risk of skin cancer when wearing long-sleeved clothes. Of course, we’re talking flora here, so that very sunlight might be what gives Alraune her strength. It’s a tricky game, this fashion business…

Protect yourself from UV rays
Source: Joe Bielawa (Flickr) via The Interpreter

Recap: Style & Fashion Are Celestial

Here’s a handy list of all the style and fashion tips we covered in this post:

  1. Changes are chances
  2. Protect your greatest assets
  3. Clothes really do make the (wo)man
  4. Feel the heat
  5. Keep bloodlust — and bacteria — at bay
  6. Just wear you
  7. A versatile wardrobe is a happy wardrobe
  8. Time-savers are lifesavers
  9. Make an everlasting “one-off” impact
  10. Raise your Defense stat

See if you can apply them to some of your own favorite anime and game characters!

…And remember to keep them in mind for you yourself, of course!

“Real style is never right or wrong. It’s a matter of being yourself on purpose.”

— G. Bruce Boyer

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”

— Bill Cunningham

Fact Sheet

About the Collab

Name: AiM:Øriginal
By: Aimi in collaboration with anime apparel brand R4G
Concept: “Everyday clothing for all of Aimi’s fans, regardless of gender.”
Release: March 2021

With such a colorful cast of characters, the Aimi x R4G collab absolutely nails its goal of creating everyday wear for all walks of life. Because when your apparel transcends not just gender and race, but species (and even reality) as well, you know you’re on to something good.

Check out the clothing we mentioned in this post below!

R4G: Respect for Geeks

AiM:Øriginal range is the first release from anime apparel brand R4G’s long-awaited “FAN PROJECT,” which puts voice actors, idols, and other celebrity talent in the front seat of the product planning process.

R4G seeks to tap into the passion of all proud geeks everywhere, delivering anime, game, and entertainment-themed clothing across the globe. It targets not only core fans, but also fashionistas and Japan enthusiasts too.

Over to You!

In this blog post, we used fictional characters to demonstrate handy real-life style tips. An intriguing case of Aiminception, and plenty of fun to boot! We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we did writing.

What style, fashion, and general life tips would you give to your favorite anime and video game characters?

What R4G apparel do you have in your own wardrobe?

Let us know in the comments or on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)! We’d love to hear from you!

ZenPlus is your one-stop shop for all things Japanese. Head to our new and improved website for more R4G, Aimi, and other great merch direct from Japan.



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Japan Plus You

Your one-stop shop for all things Japanese. Editor of “Japan Plus You” — exploring anime, games, fashion, food, language, kawaii culture, and more.