How To Pray At A Japanese Shrine?

Know the Method of Shinto Prayer

Purna Lal Chakma
Tokyo Tourists


Learn how to pray in Japan. It is way how Japanese pray to Shinto Shrine.
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Thousands of people visit Japan every day to see its scenic beauty, which is not complete without the vibrant Japanese Shinto Shrines.

Shrine is one of the most valuable aspects of Japanese culture. So, if any tourist visits Japan without visiting the shrine, their trip is incomplete.

But you might wonder how the Japanese offer prayers. If you have never been, you probably have never seen how Japanese pray.

You may want to learn how to pray.

But before learning the prayer, you should have some ideas about the Japanese Shinto Shrine.

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Before arriving at the main shrine, you must pass three Torii gates.

A torii gate is a traditional Japanese gate at the entrance of Shinto shrines. Torii gates separate the shrine from the everyday world and signal to people that it is a “sacred space.”

Torri gates consist of two upright pillars and two horizontal bars. These gates are mostly made of wood or stone and painted bright red with black or natural accents.



Purna Lal Chakma
Tokyo Tourists

Tokyo blogger, writer, and photographer. Through online blogging, I encourage others to be self-confident and sufficient. I talk about real life and Tokyo.