Imagine fantastic taste, Unagi!!

3 min readJun 29, 2016


It’s completely opposite from gross shape.

Have you ever seen real eel? I hope you haven’t seen it yet. I beg you to forget the image of eel from your mind. The image might disturb your pleasant meals. The shape of eel itself maybe gross. Don’t worry, some of Japanese also feel same.

But you know, there are a lot of lovers of Japanese grilled eel dish around the globe?

First, find the this picture, Unagi-donburi. Looks yummy, right? Do you love teriyaki? Yes, you would love Unagi-donburi.

If you already know Japanese “donbri” dish, you know how works rice with the Unagi meat in your mouth. Forgot to introduce, Unagi is eel in Japanese language.

To know how it works, please imagine the softest meat you have ever bite. I make sure you cannot bite eel meat in your mouth. It should be melt, before you bite it. Steamed Unagi meat is already fluffy.

The texture of Unagi is surely unexpectable. At your first bite, you would notice your trip became already rewarding. Sorry I’m a Unagi lover.

I suppose you are starting to wondering where you can experience the amazing Unagi texture? I recommend Narita area. Yes, this Narita is Narita of Narita airport!! added items

You can get this unique Japanese experience Narita area near Narita airport, which takes just 10 min by train from the airport.

Here is famaus for the most famous Buddism Temple in this area, Narita-san Shinshouji.

Maybe you know the name, if you have searched tourist attractive in Narita.

Find amazing Unagi dish along the main street , which be located in front of the temple.

Kawatoyo is one of the top Unagi restaurant in this area.

Enjoy Japanese traditional buiding, interior, and atomsphere itself.

A way of ordering Unagi-donburi is very easy even for Unagi beginers.

Please just say, “Woo nug eel, could I sigh.”

Enjoy the delicous smell first. The strong delicious smell will stimulate your appetite and can’t regist the apapetime. I know.

If only you are shy, don’t worry, you can find this English menu.

But I recommend you trying “Woo nug eel, could I sigh.” . It sound like “Unagi, please” in Japanese.

Have you been interested in Unagi? If so, It’s more than happy for me. Supposedly, we will meet there by chance.

I can’t stop my appetite craving Unagi anymore. See you there!!

If you have any questions on this short adventure for Unagi, please post responses. I will answer as a Unagi lover.

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