What Number is Avoided in Japan?

Kevin VH
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024


Test your knowledge with this Mamechishiki about a numeral that is considered unlucky in Japan

photo of edamame overlaid by text “Beans of Knowledge, Mamechishiki (Trivia)”
Photo Source: United Soybean Board, CC BY 2.0, modified by author

Note: Mamechishiki is the nearest equivalent to the English word “trivia”. It is a compound word that translates as “beans knowledge”, which I interpret as something like “nuggets of information”.

See how you do with this Mamechishiki about an inauspicious number in Japan.

Which number is considered unlucky in Japanese culture?

1. 5

2. 14

3. 6

4. 4

Scroll down for answer

image of the grim reaper
Image Source: U3173699, CC BY-SA 4.0

Answer: The number 4 is avoided and considered unlucky because it is pronounced “shi”, which is the same pronunciation as the kanji character meaning “death”. Stores have traditionally avoided selling items (such as dishes) in sets of four. Also, it’s customary to avoid giving gifts in four sets, instead opting for three or five. Superstitions abound in Japanese society. The number 4 isn’t all bad — it is also pronounced “yon” (depending on the usage), which has no connection to death.



Kevin VH

Raised in Wisconsin, my world expanded when I married a woman from Japan. I write about my experiences and perspective in the publication JapanCurious.