How to use Substack: from Basic Setup to Creating Paid Newsletters

Email Marketing for Independent Freelance Writers

Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer
2 min readAug 20, 2021


I just published my English e-book. It’s available on Amazon.

There is a growing interest in Substack, a service that allows anyone to send out newsletters free of charge.

Substack is a great way for freelancers and small businesses to send out newsletters at no cost. It’s free and you can publish multiple newsletters along with having no limit to the number of subscribers you can have. It’s also easy for anyone to create a paid newsletter.

In this book, I am going to explain how to use Substack. Please note that Substack is a work in progress, and the specification is being improved and changed. The content of this document is current at the time of publication and may not be up to date.


Chapter 1: Why I settled on Substack after using four newsletter delivery services
- I tried my newsletters once and failed
- Why I stopped using MailChimp
- What is Substack?
Chapter 2: Why does email marketing matter now?
- Constancy as a marketing tool
- A more intimate engagement
- Why Substack now?
Chapter 3: Let’s begin Substack!
3–1: Create an account
3–2: Profile settings
3–3: Creating a newsletter (publication)
3–4: Newsletter (publication) settings
3–5: Setting up the email templates
3–6: Writing articles and publish
3–7: Editing an About page
Chapter 4: How to use Substack — Advanced -
4–1: Display links on the home page
4–2: Running multiple publications
4–3. Add the Section to categorise your newsletter
4–4: Publish a paid newsletter
4–5: How to run a newsletter (publication) with multiple writers
4–6: How to create multiple paid publications
Chapter 5: What you need to know as an email marketer
- How to increase your subscribers
- Preparing your mind before starting a paid newsletter

About the author:
I am a Japanese writer who lives in Canada now. I write in Japanese as well as English.

...and, Find me on Substack!!



Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer

Japanese writer. Poetry, Travel, Cooking, Gardening and Languages.