I am thinking about my writing 24/7

Just like the business person who always thinks about their work

Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer


The happiest moring for me is getting up with a new writing idea. I love writing and try to write regularly in English and Japanese. Having writing ideas every day is crucial for me. Thinking “what I am going to write today,” in bed is part of my morning routine. I rush to my computer after getting up after I have thought about an idea in bed. If I don’t have any ideas, my day’s writing starts slowly.

Most of the time, inspiration doesn’t come to me when I am waiting for it. It often comes when I was not expecting it; when I am working in the garden, when I am having a shower, when I’m cooking, walking, or even when I am writing other articles. Inspiration could hit you anytime, so you just need to grab it.

I think about my writings all the time, consciously and subconsciously. When I am awake, I am looking for something that I can write about. When I am sleeping, I am dreaming about writing. I sometimes get inspiration from my dreams too.

I started writing Haiku and Tanka poems a couple of months ago. Nature is one of the main subjects which Haiku poets write about. I became a serious observer of nature after I started my ‘100 Haiku project.’



Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer

Japanese writer. Poetry, Travel, Cooking, Gardening and Languages.