Stop Talking about Productivity or Efficiency

You and I are as nothing as a fox or a ladybird

Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer


Trouble is, whether you go to the business book section of a bookshop or read popular articles on the internet, you are bombarded with talk about how to make work and life more efficient.

Have you ever wondered why we need to be so ‘efficient’?

The idea that “we must achieve something as we were born into this world” is a human arrogance.

We are merely life forms born on earth like other living creatures. How much are we different from the squirrels, deer and hummingbirds of the forest?

In the information-overloaded world where we are living, we are driven by the belief that being inefficient and unproductive is evil.

Why should we live so efficiently? Is it really meaningless not to produce something in one’s lifetime?

Being ambition and craving are sometimes poison.

They drive people to misery. The more one tries to grow economically and socially, the more stressed and jealous one becomes of others.

Capitalism has divided people into winners and losers, but winners are not always happy. This is because your happiness is not linked to money.



Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer

Japanese writer. Poetry, Travel, Cooking, Gardening and Languages.