Why I restarted English Haiku?

…and came back to Medium

Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

A few days ago, I started posting English haiku again. I used to write English haiku for a while, and even did the Haiku 100 challenge.

However, a little while after I finished writing 100 haiku, I lost my enthusiasm for English haiku. A few years ago — I don’t remember exactly when it was, and I don’t think there’s any point in looking it up, so I won’t — After the change in the writer’s reward system in Medium, the amount of money that I had earned not only from haiku, but also from poems and short prose, dropped dramatically. I guess that was the reason why I lost my passion for writing here, to be honest with you.

I also went on a year-long backpacking trip, and I had disappeared from Medium, let alone from English haiku.

After I returned from my long trip, I continued to blog elsewhere, but I hadn’t even opened Medium for a long time, but I found that some of my favourite writers continue to write on Medium, and there are also people who are engaged in various forms of creative activities.

These people inspired me to try writing English Haiku again.

When I started writing, whether in English or in any other language, I found that Medium is very comfortable. It is so relaxing to write here. I feel cosy when I’m typing…



Mai Yamamoto
Japanese writer

Japanese writer. Poetry, Travel, Cooking, Gardening and Languages.