Beauty Product Review – Clear Turn Eye Zone Mask by Kose

Japan with Love
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

For 11 years, Kose Clear Turn Eye Zone mask has been number 1 in Japan. It helps to reduce (and get rid of eventually) laugh lines and wrinkles under the eyes. The skin under the eyes is thin and delicate hence it is important for us to take care of them!

Each sheet is packed with rich collagen, hyaluronic acid, Q10 and glycerin which are ingredients that helps to revitalise and moisten skin. This product can be used daily.

Made of 100% cotton (soft bemliese), the mask is gentle on the skin and unassuming which makes it good to be used on long haul flights! I have used it for 3 weeks (2nd box now)and I do see a slight wrinkle reduction under my eyes. I probably need to use this product longer to see a better result.


  1. Cleanse and apply toner on face
  2. Open the flap and take out two sheets. Unfold and place under eyes for approximately 10 minutes.


  1. Do not use after tanning sessions or if you have eczema, abrasion or open wounds.
  2. Discontinue use if irritation occurs

Thank you for reading!

