Yomiuri Land よみうりランド — Tokyo’s Largest Amusement Park

Japan with Love
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2017

Opened in 1964, Yomiuri Land is Tokyo’s largest amusement park with 43 rides that caters to both children and adults. It boasts unique seasonal attractions such as Pool WAI in summer and Jewellumination in winter. I visited the park in winter so this post will be filled with beautiful photographs of the illumination lights that I saw and will never forget.

If you would like to take the rides, be sure to purchase the one day pass. I made the mistake of buying the Entrance fee ticket only and had to pay separately for individual rides. However, if you are visiting the park with children and they are comfortable taking rides on their own, it would make more sense to just purchase the entrance ticket.

If you are only interested in a few rides, here is the price list for reference. The rides with the moon icon means that the rides are open in the night.

There are numerous acts that go on throughout the day and this was one of the acts that I managed to catch.

There are substantially more children rides than adult ones.

This is probably a ride that you can sit in every theme park in the world.

Swing ride

Part of the roller coaster track of Bandit — the most thrilling ride in the park

Pool WAI which is opens in summer only.

Another view of the theme park.

There is also a seal act and they are really cute!!

One of the most popular attractions is the Ferris wheel. The view is beautiful from the top when the sun sets.

There are also ‘factories’ such as CAR factory for children to test run cars —

and sewing factory for children to make accessories.

The highlight for me was to see the illumination at night though it was freezing. Be sure to wear thick clothes.

The whole park including the rides are illuminated. Rides are still in operation till closing time.

There are also performances at night at the stage area and theaters.

My favourite spot was the area with lots of illuminated Christmas trees. It was very romantic.

The colour of this area changes every few seconds.

A beautiful lane through illuminated trees. My GoPro promptly went flat after taking this photo.

Overall, Yomiuri Land is definitely worth the visit if you’re travelling as a family with young children. If you’re travelling as a couple and pressed for time, I would recommend that you take a trip to the theme park to see the illumination and perhaps take a few rides.

Ticket Prices (screen grab from their website) — Do bring your passport to be entitled to discounted tickets!

Address: 4015–1 Yanokuchi, Inagi-shi, Tokyo, 206–8725

Website: http://www.yomiuriland.com/english/#anc04

