30 Topics We’d Like to Publish in Japonica

Consider writing an article on any of these prompts

Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication


Photo by Clement Souchet on Unsplash

Ernest Hemingway once said, “As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand.” Nonetheless, as writers, we tend to be quick to judge ourselves.

We often doubt our own ideas and ignore them. On Medium, it’s too easy to become obsessed with stats and lose sight of why we write.

As unpaid editors of a free publication, we’re usually not in a position to brainstorm story ideas with writers. However, we’ve put together a list of topics we’d love to publish.

If you find yourself struggling to decide what to write about, please use these topics as prompts for your next article. Feel free to select any topics that pique your interest and compose an article. Combining two or three topics into one article is an option, too. You can also discuss these topics with your friends and create a collaborative article, or interview people to highlight a spectrum of differing opinions.

This list is not meant to be an exclusive list of topics that Japonica publishes or even our favorites. We’re happy to receive any article about Japanese life, culture, or language. But if you’re not sure what to write about, this list is meant to be used as writing prompts to unlock your creative potential.

Life in Japan

  • What brought you to Japan and what prompted you to make it your home?
  • How to cultivate friendships in Japan
  • Aspects of Japanese culture that you find most interesting or amusing
  • Elements of Japanese culture to which you feel the most deeply connected
  • Japanese products you can’t imagine living without
  • The most challenging topics to discuss with your Japanese friends
  • Changes you want to see in Japanese society

Travel / History

  • What is your favorite destination and what makes it special to you? Why would you recommend it to others?
  • Where is the most underrated (historical) locations in Japan to live or visit?
  • What should every overseas tourist to Japan absolutely not miss?
  • A perfect itinerary for a romantic date
  • Where would you suggest purchasing souvenirs?
  • Your favorite shrines and temples


  • Things you wanted to know before beginning to work in Japan
  • Tips for job hunting in Japan
  • Your thoughts on Japanese economy
  • Business culture/customs that surprised you
  • Japanese business practices that other countries may benefit from
  • The funniest moments working at Japanese companies
  • Businesses or companies you would consider investing in

Culture / Food

  • What aspects of Japanese culture should the country promote more heavily?
  • Your favorite Japanese books/movies/music/TV programs/anime/sports teams. Reviews and author interviews are especially appreciated.
  • The most underappreciated Japanese dishes
  • Your favorite festivals, museums, and events
  • Unique tips for maintaining a healthy diet


  • Advice for Japanese language learners
  • Advice for English learners in Japan
  • Unique Japanese words that you would like to see adopted internationally (but not ikigai—we’ve covered that already)
  • How to overcome language barriers in Japan
  • Your favorite Japanese proverb or four-character idioms

Writers — has this helped you find inspiration? Readers — if there are any other topics you’d like to see covered in Japonica, please let us know in the comments!

If you enjoyed this article, please follow Japonica for a daily dose of Japanese culture and life in Japan.



Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication

Writer and cultural translator based in Tokyo. Bylines: The Japan Times, Lonely Planet, CNBC, YourTango and more. EiC of Japonica.