5 Reasons Japanese Need to Speak English Now

Silence is no longer golden in this increasingly connected world

Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication
5 min readFeb 28, 2022


Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Such an old proverb seemed nonsense when this war in Ukraine broke out. When a megalomaniac dictator has access to nuclear weapons, he doesn’t need a single word to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

However, reading world leaders’ tweets and the posts of nameless people’s outcry, I found myself deeply moved. Their powerful presence overshadowed the Japanese government’s silence. NHK ―the public broadcaster-didn’t update the situation in Ukraine often and that disappointed me. Other channels were completely tone-deaf, blaring fake laughter during comedy shows and reviewing a new Hawaiian restaurant in Osaka.


1. Japanese Media Is Worthless in a Global Crisis

TV stations are nothing but deadwood in Japan. They don’t seem qualified to call themselves media because they mainly produce soap operas and quiz shows. The Japanese have no option but to tune in to other nations’ sources such as BBC, ABC…



Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication

Writer and cultural translator based in Tokyo. Bylines: The Japan Times, Lonely Planet, CNBC, YourTango and more. EiC of Japonica.