Announcing the 2025 “Imagine Little Tokyo” Short Story Contest
$500 Prize for Best Short Story Set in Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo
The Little Tokyo Historical Society has announced its 12th annual “Imagine Little Tokyo” short story contest. The contest is presented by LTHS in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum’s Discover Nikkei project.
Cash prizes of $500 will be awarded to the best stories in English, Japanese, and youth (18 and younger) categories that capture the spirit and sense of Little Tokyo. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2025.
English stories must be 2,500 words or less. Japanese stories must be under 5,000字.
In addition to cash prizes, the stories will be published on the Discover Nikkei and Little Tokyo Historical Society website. Dramatic readings of the winning stories will be held at an awards ceremony at the Japanese American National Museum.
For more information and guidelines, please see the contest website at:
LTHS will hold a special Japanese-language workshop to provide writers an overview of Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo and provide tips for placing fictional characters in real-life settings.
The workshop will be held Friday Jan 10, 2025 5:00 PM PST, Saturday Jan 11, 2025, 10:00 AM in Japan. Sign up for the workshop at:
リトル東京歴史協会(Little Tokyo Historical Society)は第12回イマジンリトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストの作品を、英語成年・英語青少年(18歳以下)・日本語の3部門にて募集しています。応募締め切りは2025年2月28日深夜24時(太平洋標準時間)です。このコンテストは、リトル東京歴史協会の主催により、全米日系人博物館のディスカバー・ニッケイプロジェクトの協力を得て行われています。
ガイドラインやその他詳細は、リトル東京歴史協会のウェブサイト( をご参照ください。