Breaking “Cultural” Confines With Bilingualism

Blending my “Japanese” and “English” self into One

Niko Ammon
Japonica Publication
10 min readApr 28, 2023


A Blend not a Bridge — Photo by Author of Sumiyoshi Great Shrine, Osaka


Don’t be confined by the “culture” of a single language!


In college 16 years ago, I started studying Japanese. 3 years ago on a trip to Nikko to enjoy the autumn leaves, an elderly woman, working at a Japanese sweets shop, said this, “Your Japanese is so fluent.” As a far more proper praise than the “nihon-go jouzu” that immigrants to Japan find either dubious or uncomfortable, I was quite happy.


The times in which I feel dissatisfied with my Japanese ability can be divided into two general types. When I try to express my feelings, especially those of empathy or anger, or when I speak on philosophy. Because these two things are integral to my subjectivity, I want to be able to express them, at the same level as I can in English, in Japanese. Therefore, I immediately seek out the appropriate Japanese words for them whenever I struggle to find them.


This is considerably important because the subjectivity of “me” is an amalgam of my life experiences, sexuality, preferences, identity, gender, and philosophy. While one cannot say that it is absolute, much of this give-and-take process of subjectivity construction is mediated by language. As a result, bilingual people themselves are changed gradually by the cultural environment of those languages. This process is not primarily according to one’s will either; it is also constructed by the language, education, and social environment. Then, as a result of making compromises with these powers, and accommodating or accepting parts of these cultural environments, one’s subjectivity comes into being. This process repeats in multilateral cycles throughout one’s life.


Put simply, this means bilingual people have a Japanese self and an English self; however, they are not isolated. I think one can try to isolate them willfully, but no matter what they will bleed into one another. We are only one body after all. The key is the intentional mediation of those selves with one another so that one feels that they are comfortably expressing their fullest self in both their languages.






Therefore, don’t say, “This expression doesn’t exist in English,” or “This kind of emotion is difficult to express in Japanese” and then give up. Don’t say, “The word exists, but, because it is not commonly used, it’s weird to use.” or “Culturally that isn’t commonly said that way” and give up.

Make your own expressions!

Express clearly your views and emotions, such as “I love you” and “I like it very much (or I love it)” more often.

Since experiencing a near-death lonesomeness during the pandemic, and then thanks to a dear friend who expresses empathy and gratitude often, these past few years I have been working to express my affection, gratitude, and empathy more clearly.

In English and Japanese



As a result, not only did my Japanese improve, but also my interpersonal connections became more intimate and abundant across both language speaking groups. My expressive capabilities in both languages became mutually more abundant. I felt that my self was truly “living” in both languages without any loss.

Because there are certainly all-too-simple “cultural” claims, trapped in binary thinking, made by the Japanese themselves about Japan, I can forgive most people, specifically Westerns, for being having this static cultural mindsets. However, I think for language, which is an important media for expressing one’s own subjectivity, to be trapped in such “cultural” frames is only a detriment to oneself. As soon as one hears the beginning of claims, such as, “It can’t be done in Japanese” “That can’t be done in Japan”, “Japan is this,” “America is that”, one should doubt the “information” that comes along with it.



Niko Ammon
Japonica Publication

Master's Degree in Japanese Literature from Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. Avid Cultural Critic and Skeptic of pernicious cultural essentialism. Aspiring author.