Dispelling The Curse Of This Famous Japanese Sword Maker

The madness and brilliance of Muramasa

Jamie Ryder
Japonica Publication


Credit: the author

Ancient Japanese sword makers were known as artists who dedicated everything to their craft. They spent countless hours forging steel into weapons that went on to be wielded by famous samurai like Miyamoto Musashi.

Some Japanese swordsmiths became as well-known as the people they made weapons for. One of the most infamous names in the swordsmith world is Muramasa Sengo.

Various legends portray Muramasa as being wild and unpredictable. Supposedly, his madness was so great that he needed to transfer it into his work to stop himself from being overwhelmed.

As a result, Muramasa swords have earned a reputation for being cursed. His katanas were meant to cause bloodlust and force their wielders to kill indiscriminately. But where did the legends come from?

The origins of Muramasa

For years, scholars have debated about the exact origins of Muramasa. According to a popular theory, he lived during the late Muromachi period (early 16th century) in Japan and studied under Masamune, one of the greatest swordsmith in Japanese history.

Another theory describes him as being a student of a Kyoto swordsmith called Heianjō Nagayoshi…



Jamie Ryder
Japonica Publication

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