Do You Want to Live in Japan? Be Ready to Face These 5 Contradictions

Living in Japan, I noticed several contradictions that make this country even more interesting

Olivia F
Japonica Publication


Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

One of the first few things you may notice once you start living in a new country is how things can be different from your own. To me, Japan was not just a new country, but a whole new world to get accustomed to. As much as I liked it, I couldn’t help but notice a few contradictions. Called “Country of Paradoxes” according to the French and Japanese YouTuber Louis-san.
Let me share with you five that I noticed.

1. Not touching people you know when greeting.

It is pretty unusual if you come from a “hug country” or a “bise country” not to have physical contact when saying hello. Coming from France I felt very awkward in the beginning because greeting by only waving at each other felt like “not really saying hi”. I don’t think I ever got used to this “unfriendliness” though I appreciated not having to touch anyone! (I am also a woman full of paradoxes.)


Having to touch random people in the packed trains.



Olivia F
Japonica Publication

Multilingual creative lawyer currently based in Melbourne and lived in Tokyo for more than 2y. Interested in minimalism, environment, cultures, self-love…